
Safeguarding | Diocese of Lismore

The Diocese of Lismore’s Safeguarding Team works to ensure that we all stay connected in our efforts to promote a safer Diocese and to keep us all up to date with relevant information and important updates.  The Diocese has a handbook that details all policies and procedures in relation to Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults.  A copy of this handbook is available from the Parish Office.

View our Commitment to Safeguarding Statement here

View the guidance document on safe use of social media and technology when communicating with children here

View the Child Safe Standards Factsheet from Office of Children’s Guardian here

View our Safeguarding Code of Conduct here

View the Safeguarding Handbook here

Regular newsletters are issued by the Diocesan Safeguarding Team and will be included in Parish Bulletins from time to time

All Clergy, Parish Staff and, Volunteers, whose role involves working with/or possibly coming into close contact with children, hold a Working with Children Check and are required to participate in Mandatory Safeguarding Training.

Safeguarding Team

Julie Patston (Safeguarding Manager, Mon-Fri)
Christine Thompson (Training & Compliance Officer, Mon-Thurs)
Phone: 02 6621 9444
Email: [email protected]