From Father Peter and Father Anselm
Dear Beloved Parish Family,
It is Christmas again—a season filled with wonder, hope, and the joyful reminder of God’s boundless love for all humanity. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, we are called to pause and reflect on the
profound mystery of His coming among us: God made flesh, born into simplicity and humility, to bring us the gift of salvation.
Christmas is a time for rejoicing and an invitation to encounter Christ anew in our hearts and the world around us. It reminds us to share His light and love, especially with those who are lonely, suffering,
marginalized, or in need. In the Christ Child, we see God’s love made tangible—a love that transforms and renews us, filling us with peace and hope even amidst life’s challenges.
The Sacred Season is also a time of thanksgiving and generosity; we are profoundly grateful to each and every one of you. Your faith, love, and dedication make our parish vibrant and an authentic family in Christ. It is a privilege to journey with you in faith and to witness the many ways God is working in our parish community.
May the light of Christ fill your hearts and homes with peace, love, and abundant blessings this Christmas and in the New Year. Be assured of our prayers for you and your loved ones during this sacred time.
With love, prayers, and every blessing,
Fr. Peter and Fr. Anselm